NDMA issues guideline for Cold-wave management in Northern Areas

ISLAMABAD, Jan 17 (APP): The National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) on Tuesday issued a detailed guideline for cold-wave management as extremely low temperatures were being recorded in the Northern Areas of the country.

The NDMA guideline issued here underlined that the cold-wave-like conditions and extremely low temperatures were being experienced in northern part of the country which could further accentuate in the coming days.

The Authority said as per the advisory there was a need to take timely precautions to ensure personal and collective safety in extreme weather conditions.

The NDMA issued separate guidelines for disaster management authorities, the general public and travelers underscoring that the following guidelines were to be considered and undertaken by all concerned in addition to any measure deemed appropriate based on local needs and requirements by all the departments concerned including the provincial disaster management authorities (PDMAs), Gilgit Baltistan Disaster Management Authority (GBDMA), State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), Islamabad Capital Territory (ICT) Administration, government departments and Local Administrations particularly the district disaster management authorities (DDMAs), Rescue Organizations and law enforcement agencies (LEAs).

It advised the concerned to undertake an awareness campaign and ensure widespread dissemination of risks posed by extremely cold weather. Also, ensure coordination with National Highway Authority (NHA), Frontier Works Organization (FWO), Construction and Works Department (C&W) and line departments for timely snow and ice clearance to keep communication arteries open.

The rescue services should remain vigilant for extreme cold related emergencies and incidents and may carry warm clothing or blankets and drinking water etc. However, the LEAs along with Traffic Police would have to advise travelers regarding likely situation, risks of road closure or slippery conditions and use of precautionary measures.

It also guided to ensure timely restoration of electricity and gas supply in case of disruption in residential areas or hospitals and to emergency services. Moreover, the identification or preparation of road diversions would have to be made to ensure road closures where required in view if extreme snow fall.

The authorities were also required to ensure measures to stop road movement in snow affected areas that can result in blockages etc. whereas hospitals and medical facilities to ensure preparedness for treatment of causes related to cold weather i.e. hypothermia, frostbite, etc.

The NDMA advised the general public to dress in layers, wear a warm hat or cap, scarf and gloves or mittens to protect body heat from windchill or extreme cold. Moreover, minimise outdoor movement and plan activities in accordance with weather forecast. Also, avoid exertion in cold weather, which can put undue strain on the body. “If your area is prone to long periods of very cold temperatures or is likely to be isolated, stock-up on additional food goods, basic medicines and other essential items, especially catering to personal health needs,” it said.

In case of power or gas outage, keep alternate means of heating at home available whereas the masses should ensure safe practices when making use of gas heaters, conduct regular safety checks of gas valves or heater pipes to ensure no leakage and while your heater was not in use, remember to close the gas safety valve.

“While making use of any form of heating, please ensure appropriate ventilation. Conduct regular checks of water pipes to prevent freezing or bursting of water supply lines,” the NDMA advisory said.

The travelers were guided that before going out, check for the latest weather or travel advisories issued for your area and take appropriate pre-cautionary measures. It added to avoid travelling in low visibility conditions and during icy road conditions when possible. “If travel is required, let family and friends know about your route or destination and check-in regularly. Before travelling ensure your vehicle is properly serviced, including heater, brakes, radiator and replacing worn out tyres.”

It exhorted to keep essential supplies in your vehicle when travelling for use in emergencies including additional warm clothing, warm blankets, first aid kit, water-proof matches or lighter, windshield ice-scraper, booster cables, basic toolkit, bag of sand or cat litter (to provide traction on ice or snow), wheel chains, spare wheel or repair kit, dry food or fruits and drinking water.
The guidelines noted that in-case vehicle stranded or one was forced to pull over due to weather conditions, following measures should be considered including contact National Highway and Motorway Police Helpline at 130 if travelling on a National Highway or Motorway for assistance.

When travelling on a Provincial Highway or Local Road contact your local Rescue Service (1122) or Police (15) for assistance. Moreover, turn on your double indicators or hazard lights to indicate you were pulled over on the side of the road and may require assistance. It added that conserve petrol and run your vehicle engine along with heater for 15 minutes every 1 hour.

“Remember to keep your vehicle windows slightly open for fresh air or ventilation. Ensure vehicle’s exhaust pipe is not blocked by snow, ice or debris and in snowy conditions, make sure to check once every hour to keep your exhaust cleared,” it said.

It underlined that special focus must be given to elderly and children. “They must be kept warm through layers of dressing and may even be huddled in case of exposure to extreme temperatures.”