WAPDA specifies over Rs 17 bln for carrying out CBMs schemes in Kohistan

ISLAMABAD, Oct 9 (APP): Water and Power Development Authority (WAPDA) has specified over Rs 17 billion for carrying out a score of schemes as Confidence Building Measures (CBMs) under its Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) for economic and social development in the Dasu Hydropower Project area.

The authority would carry out the development projects in consultation and support of the civil administration and locals of the area, official sources told APP here.

They said three hydel power stations of at least 3 megawatts (MW) including a transmission/distribution line, one high school, vocational training centre each in three districts of Kohistan, besides re-constructing the high school in Seo, Upper Kohistan.

It is pertinent to mention here that construction work continues on all key sites of the Dasu Hydropower Project, which is to be completed in two stages.

WAPDA is constructing Stage-I with installed generation capacity of 2160 MW and annual energy generation of 12 billion units. Electricity generation from the project is scheduled for 2026.
